Project File – Your Hand in Mine


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Title: Your Hand in Mine
Author: Icefall’sTears
Fandom/Genre: Harry Potter with a teeny cameo from Inception
Relationship(s): Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Lucius/Severus, Draco/?, Hermione/Fred???, and Arthur/Eames
Content Rating: R to NC-17 (not sure if I’ll make the NC-17 rating)
Warnings: planned mind and body rape and kidnapping for said purposes.
Summary: The year is 1963 and Harry is 18 and entering his 7th year at Hogwarts. However , NEWTs aren’t the only thing he has to worry about this year. 18 is the magic number when you have the ability to find your soul mate with just a brush of skin and now the fan girls and boys of the Wizarding World are crawling out of their holes just for the chance to see if they are the soul mate to The Boy Who Saved. Harry, however, wants nothing to do with any of it. Enter new DADA professor Tom Riddle, the most fascinating man Harry has ever met.

And lets not forget the Watcher in the Shadows who is plotting for his own ends.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction and all rights belong to J. K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Publishing, and Warner Brothers studios.


Timeline What Timeline AU.

Everyone except Dippet, Dumbledore and Grindelwald has been moved back in the timeline, except Tom Riddle who has been moved a bit forward to close the age gap between Tom and Harry a bit more.

Also Eames decided he wanted to teach at Hogwarts and is dragging Arthur along for the ride.

Also since the information on who exactly is teaching in 1963 at Hogwarts is sketchy, I used the professors listed by canon and then added several professors from other fandoms. They can all be found on the cast page with their names and positions.

Courting. Lots of courting. Four different kinds of courting. Though not all four types will be onscreen.

The idea of using the language of flowers in bouquets has shown up several times in HP fanfiction  but there is a notable one by the author Slayerofdestiny and her fic “Gregory Malfoy” on

The idea of a DADA Professor Riddle and a seventh year Harry Potter meeting and hitting it off was partially inspired by the fanfic author WyrdSmith on Her story “Schooled”  is very different from this and extremely funny especially the first chapter.

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